
Show local businesses some love by voting in Best of 225

Local businesses now need support perhaps more than ever before. But beyond ordering takeout from a Baton Rouge restaurant or shopping a locally owned business, there are other ways to help—like plugging a business on social media or leaving a review. You can also vote for them in Best of 225. Capital Region residents have a chance to support a favorite in 68 categories on the ballot for the 2020 Best of 225 Awards.

The 225 team compiled the ballot based on your write-in nominations, with categories such as Best Breakfast, Best Tacos at a Local Restaurant, Best Place to See Art and Best Golf Course.

The ballot will remain open until April 2, so you have just over a week left to vote for your favorites around the Capital City.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions post to find out all you need to know about how the nominees are determined. And go here to download promotional images if you want to campaign for your favorites on social media.

And most importantly, cast your votes here! Voting ends at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 2. May the best of 225 win!