
Best of 225 ballots are open. Don’t forget to vote for your local favorites!

There’s no better time than now to sound off on your favorite local businesses, restaurants, artists and more in the 225 area code.

The Best of 225 ballot officially opened last week on Feb. 27. It will remain open until April 3. Vote on everything from the best new restaurant in town to your favorite place to catch live music.

Your write-in nominations earlier this year determined who is on the final ballot in more than 70 categories, including Best Local Chef, Best Burger, Best Social Media Influencer and so much more. You have just about four weeks to vote for your favorites around the Capital City—and spread the word to get your friends to vote, too.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about how the nominees were determined, and how and when the 2024 winners will be revealed.

Are you a 2024 nominee? Congrats! Download our official graphics to campaign for votes.