
Ghost kitchens could be the answer for online food delivery

The COVID times have brought on a lot of new ways of doing things. We Zoom, we mask up, we pick up our dinner orders using curbside takeout. But have you had a chance to use a “ghost kitchen” yet?

It’s not exactly a place you visit, but in major cities, it’s becoming the starting point of your food order. Restaurants and budding restaurant concepts are starting to look toward online-only options to get their dishes to a bigger market. Ghost kitchens allow them to set up shop quickly in prime locations, churn out a well-tested small menu of items, and get them to the masses via delivery apps. According to market research firm Euromonitor, this could be a $1 trillion business by 2030.

Much the same way as a small local baker might work out of their home kitchen and sell their sweets through social media, all a startup food concept needs is access to a commercial ghost kitchen, some online brand promotion and a partnership with a food delivery app to join the ranks of brick-and-mortar restaurants already relying on online sales during the pandemic.

Read on for the rest of the story on the online-only restaurant trend from Eater.