
What is intense pulsed light therapy? sponsored by Trio Eyecare

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy is among the more groundbreaking treatments for dry eye and styes. This in-office treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation around the eyes, enabling oil-producing meibomian glands to better lubricate the eyes and significantly reduce unpleasant dry eye symptoms.

IPL is unique in that it targets the source—the blood vessels surrounding the glands—enabling them to secrete oils naturally and resume their moisturizing function. This not only relieves symptoms, but also slows the progression of chronic dry eye. During the IPL procedure, the heat emanating from the light helps liquefy and release oils that have hardened and clogged the meibomian glands in the eyelids, thus reducing blockages that cause dry eye symptoms and improving the quality of the tears.

Following the treatment, you may experience blurred vision for several days. This indicates that the meibomian glands are expressing more oil than the eyes are accustomed to. Click here for more information about treatment for dry eye or book your appointment with Dr. Reshma Amin.