
Why the dry eyes? sponsored by Trio Eyecare

Dry eye occurs when there is a problem with the basal tears. Basal tears are not like emotional tears, which are comprised of oil, water and mucus. The oil helps prevent the tears from drying too quickly on the surface of the eye. The watery layer helps the tears spread evenly over the eyes, and the mucus layer combines with the watery layer to help ensure eye hydration. If any of these layers are deficient, symptoms of dry eye can develop.

Dry eye can result in a wide range of symptoms including:
• Having blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night or a sensitivity to light
• Having eyes that are scratchy or feel gritty when you blink
• Having red eyes or feeling like your eyes are burning
• Sudden intolerance to wearing contact lenses

If you have any of these symptoms, it is important to schedule an appointment to diagnose the causes of your dry eye and develop a dry eye treatment plan. Click here to learn more about how to conquer your dry eyes.