
The importance of home care, sponsored by Black and Blanc Aesthetics

Is it more important to get in-spa services or to invest in home care? A million times over, we will tell you to invest in home care first. A facial service is one time a month. We can not fix everything in one facial, and if you are not taking the proper steps in your lifestyle and home skincare regimen,  you will not get the results you are seeking. Advanced in-spa treatments will help speed up the process, but 99 percent of your skincare journey is home care. Developing a skincare regimen can feel overwhelming and confusing, but with an in-spa consultation, we can review your lifestyle, skin type, and skin concerns to formulate the perfect routine. We will prioritize a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen, then focus on toners, eye creams, and serums. After your consultation, you’ll know exactly what works for you! 

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