
Easy Breezy


Because we live in the South, we are always measuring our daily threads by the attitude of the weather. And still we have to be versatile. We go from the blazing sun outside into the freezing A/C. It would seem that dressing would be easy, but it’s not.

My family jokes that I am “that girl” who wears a sweater in July. Well, restaurants are cold, and homes are cold. The freezer aisle is Antarctica.

This is where great summer dresses like this one come in. They cover you in the A/C, but leave you room to move without the fabric conveniently sticking to you.

And there are bonus perks: plenty of eatin’ room, a fancy shoulder slit for giving both a literal and hypothetical cold shoulder. Also, excellent twirling potential.

Dress: Chelsea & Violet
Sandals: Bandolino via TJ Maxx
Peace bracelet: World Market
Other jewelry: thrifted

Find more outfit ideas on Sarah’s blog, Think Twice Style.