
The next steps in FuturEBR’s city-parish plan will include community input

East Baton Rouge Parish planning officials are about to launch the public process for updating FuturEBR, the comprehensive plan for the city-parish.

Planning Director Ryan Holcomb expects stormwater management and the connections between transportation and land use will get a lot of attention as the five-year update is created.

He says FuturEBR implementation has been “fairly successful” so far and the update will address “where we are as a parish now and where we’re headed.”

According to the Planning Commission’s 2022 annual report, of the 464 action items identified in the 2018 update:

  • –5% have been implemented.
  • –39% are “institutional,” meaning they are continuously being implemented.
  • –41% are “in progress.”
  • –15% have not been initiated.

Planning staff have been working behind the scenes evaluating growth trends, looking at how new road projects affect land-use patterns, and meeting with agencies involved in implementing FuturEBR. Holcomb says there will be a brief presentation to the Metro Council next week explaining the timeline and next steps.

He says a contract is being finalized with a consultant to help with the public outreach process during the late spring and summer. The Planning Commission and council would likely take up approval before the end of the year.

FuturEBR covers the city of Baton Rouge and the unincorporated areas of the parish.

This story originally appeared in a Feb. 9 issue of Daily Report. To keep up with Baton Rouge business and politics, subscribe to the free Daily Report e-newsletter here.