
Baton Rouge chefs and bakers reflect on their favorite Halloween memories

Halloween is special for many reasons. There are the big bags of candy, the scary costumes and, of course, the sweet feeling of nostalgia you get every year the holiday rolls around. Though Halloween will look different during the pandemic, we will always have our memories of years before. 225 asked local chefs and cooks about their favorite memories of Halloween. Here’s what they shared.

“My all-time favorite Halloween memory was about 10 years ago. The kids were just the right age to still want to dress up and trick or treat, but also make it more of a party for the whole group. My husband and I came up with a surprise scavenger hunt for the kids and their neighborhood friends. They ran around all night, list in one hand and bounty in the other, eager to see who would win at the end of the night. To this day, I can’t remember who claimed the title, but the sounds of their laughter, the excitement from the neighborhood participation, and the smell of sweaty kids trading their treats are vivid in my mind and forever held close to my heart.” 

Michelle Matherne of Sugar Kettle Cookie Co.

 “My favorite Halloween memory is when I was 15 and dressed like Pocahontas. It was the first time I ever wore a wig, and that is when I fell in love with them. All night while we trick or treated, I kept swinging my hair back and forth, so I didn’t see the fall coming. When I looked down, I realized I fell down over my own wig. To make me feel better, my mom took me to the store and bought multiple bags of candy. Best. Night. Ever.” 

ーChef Amanda Schonberg of Chef Schonberg’s Sweets

This time of year just gives me the warm cinnamon spice energy. You know, the candied nuts and brittles and a multitude of roasted squashes. I also call it soup season. And don’t forget homemade corn candy for all to enjoy.”

ーChef Meagan ‘Simone’ Whiten of Phirst Bite

My favorite memory of Halloween was making ghost cupcakes and a scary purple witch’s head hanging from a door handle. Also the candy corn … yes, candy corn.”

ーChef Celeste Gill of Chef Celeste Bistro

“Bloody Mary and Candyman are still the scariest stories to this day. I may or may not have tripped down the stairs running away from a figment of my imagination when I was a college student.” 

ーKaren Vong of Sweet Society