
Baton Rouge author talks new book ‘My Sunshine Away’

My Sunshine Away, published this month, is the work of Baton Rouge-born-and-raised, award-winning author M.O. Walsh.

The novel depicts a Louisiana setting so completely that it not only serves as a character in the story but impacts the relationships between the other characters. Walsh mines his childhood in Baton Rouge to tell more than a boy’s coming-of-age story—it’s one of a neighborhood and city as well.

My Sunshine Away jacket.cvb225: What was your original inspiration for My Sunshine Away?
Walsh: Whenever I think back about my neighborhood and the friends I had then, the way we used to play in the yard, how safe I felt, it’s always with great affection. The older I got, though, I couldn’t help but recall a story I’d overheard my mother tell when I was young, about a girl who lived not too far from us being raped. I was too young to know what this meant then, but as I got older I became interested, like many people do, I think, between what was real and what we remember as being real. So, I had to come to terms with the fact that a place that seemed like a dream to me could have, in fact, been a total nightmare to someone else living right down my street. The plot grew out of that.

225: How did you balance all of the book’s nostalgia for Baton Rouge in the ’80s against the darker elements of the story?
Walsh: Baton Rouge is my forever home, no matter where I live, and I’ve always wanted to write about it. However, I also read a lot of Southern fiction and feel like some of the stories coming out of the South are too quick to invoke or reinforce the stereotypes that other people have about the South (backwoods, racist, uneducated, etc.). So, I hoped that just being honest about both the good and the bad about this place could do the trick.

225: What are you working on now?
Walsh: I’m honestly spending most of my time still working on this novel in various ways, doing some interviews and giving readings, etc. It’s a dream come true that I’m trying to milk as long as possible! I also direct the Masters of Fine Arts program at UNO, which is a great place for writers, so I spend a lot of time working with the students there. As far as my writing goes, I am working on a screenplay idea based on one of my short stories, finishing up some other stories and essays I left undone over the past few years and thinking about a couple of new novel ideas.

Meet Walsh and get signed copies of the book at Chelsea’s Café in Baton Rouge Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. and Garden District Book Shop in New Orleans Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. mowalsh.com