
How the DASH diet can lower blood pressure, sponsored by Baton Rouge Clinic

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High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects about one of every three adults. Having hypertension increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and heart failure. The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure by encouraging the reduction of sodium in your diet, and by eating a variety of foods rich in nutrients that can help lower blood pressure.

Here is a list of food groups and the number of servings for an 1,800-calorie diet:

Grains, 7-8 servings a day

Vegetables, 4 servings a day

Fruit, 4 servings a day;

Fat-free or low-fat dairy, 2-3 servings a day

Lean meat, poultry and fish, 2 servings or less a day

Nuts, seeds and legumes, 2-3 servings a week

Fats and oils, 2-3 servings a day

Sweets and added sugars, 5 servings or fewer per week.

For more information and examples of the DASH diet, visit The Baton Rouge Clinic’s website.