
These local partnerships could save your life [Sponsored]

Sponsored by Dudley DeBosier


No-one can predict when accidents will happen. The best you can do is arm yourself and your family with the knowledge to prevent what you can and plan for the worst if it happens. Some local organizations have partnered with Dudley DeBosier to educate drivers on promoting safety and preventing injuries.

At Dudley DeBosier Injury Lawyers, community means everything. Whether partnering with LSU, the New Orleans Saints, or working with local charities, its guiding principle is to do right by our community and our state. On top of that, each year Dudley DeBosier donates money to individuals or organizations that are working to positively impact our community.

Partnerships that save lives

Dudley DeBosier has made it their business to help people prevent accidents and injuries by partnering with some of the best organizations. If the worst does happen, partner with Dudley DeBosier to make sure you have the best lawyers in your corner.

The Safety Place
This is a local nonprofit dedicated to serving the community through safety education. Dudley DeBosier hosts many events alongside this organization.

Sudden Impact
This is an interactive program that educates high school students about the dangers of driving impaired, driving without a seatbelt, and distracted driving. Attorneys from Dudley DeBosier volunteer with this organization to hold a mock trial to show students the full effect their poor decisions can have beyond the scene of the crash.

The Motorcycle Awareness Campaign (MAC)
This organization is dedicated to bringing awareness to motorcyclists on the highway. Dudley DeBosier’s partnership with MAC helps prevent motorcycle crashes and deaths.

Free Lyft/Uber Rides
Dudley DeBosier provides FREE rides home during some of the biggest drinking holidays/events (Saints home games, St. Patty’s Day, and New Years’ Eve, for example). In 2018 alone, they spent $41,608 providing free rides to/from Saints games, and in 2019, spent $17,074 providing free rides home from the St. Patty’s Day parades in Baton Rouge and New Orleans.

Looking out for you: Here are some other helpful resources from Dudley DeBosier to help answer some common questions.

Helpful info:

After an injury that wasn’t your fault, you deserve a law firm that puts your best interests first every step of the way, and that’s what Dudley DeBosier is ready to do. Visit dudleydebosier.com to learn more and connect with attorneys who care.