
The Details, sponsored by The Brighton School: Sharing truths about dyslexia

Here are 5 important facts about dyslexia:

  1. Dyslexics have average to above-average intelligence.
  2. Dyslexia is neurobiological in origin and will influence the ability to read into adulthood without early intervention.
  3. Dyslexia is not a vision problem. Letter reversals at an early age are common and can be corrected. If not, it may be a sign of possible dyslexia.
  4. Dyslexics work incredibly hard. Differences in the brain require systematic and structured instruction.
  5. Retention will never help a dyslexic child. Only evidence-based, systematic, and explicit instruction will make a difference.

For more information about dyslexia, contact Theresa Hastings at [email protected] or visit thebrightonschool.org.