
On Trend: Wrap it up

By now you’ve seen a million ways to tie your scarf. Wrap it around and around your neck for the warm yet sophisticated look, let it hang straight down either side for an effortless accessory, tie it in the middle, loop-de-doop, twist and shout, the list goes on and on.

Since our fall and winter months are usually a toss up when it comes to cold weather, let’s look at a few way to incorporate a scarf into your outfit.


Belt it
Notice how Jennifer Garner belted her scarf with her dress on the cover of InStyle‘s October issue. This is a great way to incorporate patterns into your life. It takes your cute little dress and turns in into a completely new outfit! Try it with any of Brandi’s fall essentials.


Let it fringe
After seeing this picture on Refinery 29, I fell in love with the look. I knew I had the perfect top to try it with, but when I pulled out my box of scarves, I was surprised to see that the fringy side of my collection was seriously lacking. Luckily, Target had me covered (literally). The key is to match two solid colors so the look can be focused on the fringe and not distracted by another element like patterns.

Do you have another way to incorporate a scarf into your outfit? Let us know in the comments!